Acknickulous Media 452 E. Silverado Ranch Blvd.
LV, NV 89183 USA

Customer Support and FAQ

Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Netbilling: 661-705-8499 or

Segpay: 954-414-1610 or

Netbilling Cancellation - Click Here

Netbilling User Name/Password/Log In Issues - Click Here

Segpay Cancellation - Click Here

Segpay User Name/Password/Log In Issues - Click Here

Segpay Lookup Account Info - View/Lookup your info by completing the account form. Click Here

Are case sensitive. Please ensure your CAPS LOCK is not activated.

What appears on my credit card statement?
We take your discretion seriously. If you joined through Netbilling, then "Acknickulous" or if you joined through CCbill, "CCbill*Acknick", along with their phone number, is the only thing that will appear on your statement. No sexual connotations or overtones will appear in any way, shape or form.

How long do I have to wait for access?
Your payment gives you immediate access so you can enjoy your purchase right away!

What type of payment methods do you accept?
Visa, MasterCard and JCB worldwide, and on-line checks drawn on U.S. banks, through our On-line Check Form. In addition, EU customers can use debit cards from their banks.

What are the terms/conditions of my membership?
We are required to display the following:
price, length of subscription and whether or not we will rebill the customer. If your credit card or bank account is being rebilled it is because you chose a rebilling price option offered by the website. A subscription is broken down into 30 day increments and the billing cycle is based on the same 30 days. One time subsriptions will expire, without further billing, after 30 days. However, if you chose a recurring billing option it will rebill each subsequent 30 days after the initial period. If you choose to cancel the recurring billing access to the website will continue until the end of the current 30 day term. For example, if the rebill period is on the first of each month and you cancel on the 15th, the user can still log in to the website until the 30th of the month with no further charges.

My credit card does not work. Why?
Netbilling accepts Visa, MasterCard and JCB. CCBill accepts Visa and JCB. Unless otherwise noted in the list below, approvals and denials are generated by the Processor. The following are common error messages when a credit card cannot be processed:
Card Declined at Pre-Auth (generated by processor) Card rejected; considered high risk based on address verification, usage patterns and history. Make sure that the address you listed corresponds to your billing address with your credit card company. A history of chargebacks and refund requests will result in your card being blocked for many Internet sales.
Invalid Fields (generated by processor) User submitted invalid information or a card number or card type not supported.
Exceeded Usage Limits Credit card shows excessive usage. Even if you still have credit left on your credit card, you may receive this message if you have used it for multiple Internet transactions in the same day. The same may be approved later.
Sale Declined By Credit Card Network Sale was rejected by the banking network. Try the card again later; blocks by the network are usually resolved/ removed in a day or so.
Incorrect address provided The address is compared with the one you provided with what your bank has on file. If these do not match, your bank may not accept the charge.
Card Declined . Blocked Card blocked by processor at either the customer's request or for fraudulent usage, etc.
Declined Due to Chargebacks Card shows a previous chargeback history. A card with a chargeback history will not be accepted.

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